I don't even know where to start with the most recent things. Robby is amazing, best baby in the world! Always happy, loves everyone, loves to eat, loves to sleep, loves to play. I don't think he dislikes anything. He's an absolute joy to be around and I don't know how I became blessed with such a wonderful son!
At his 9 month well visit he weighed 21 lbs and is 31 inches tall. He's in the 98th percentile for height! Big boy!!
He had 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.
He just started crawling about 2 weeks ago and is always on the move. He loves to explore and climb up in the standing position on everything. He will be walking before he is one without a doubt. I'm saying 10-10 1/2 months.
He isn't fully adjusted to adult food. He started eating puffs and certain fruits. He actually ate an entire raspberry but that's the extent of whole foods. Something about the texture he can't get. He gags everytime, poor baby.
He learned how to give high fives at the beginning of this week and he gets so excited when he gives them.
He climbed halfway up the stairs the other day and almost gave me a heart attack. It was insane! He's just growing up so fast!!
He is obsessed with the water and loves the beach so far. He's only been a couple of times but he absolutely loves it!
He is a water bug for sure!
He still loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and most recently the lion guard. He chews on everything and still drools like crazy. He says dada and Mum, and is always talking, screaming (in a fun way not upset or angry way-they are actually more like squeals lol), laughing, and babbling.
He is my favorite person in the world. I just love him so much, more than words will ever be able to express.