Finally, something fun about being pregnant, planning and thinking about the nursery! Since I found out I was pregnant, my baby room ideas started flowing!
First, I knew the theme would have something to do with turtles (of course), it was just a matter of green with pink or green with blue. I also knew that this baby would have so much turtle stuff that he would probably hate turtles for the rest of his life. But that's okay, his mom will always love them!
Here is the picture that first inspired the baby's theme.
I loved the simplicity of this room and I adored the wainescoting. I knew that I wanted the wainescoting right away.
As soon as I started looking up turtle nursery ideas, Pinterest and Google were flooded with thousands of turtle ideas. Who knew turtles were so popular!? I didn't want an under the sea theme, just turtles really. Of course, Rob was over turtles before this even started.
While we were registering at BabiesRUs one day, we saw this nursery theme, that not only incorporated turtles, but also alligators and hippos. Rob was sold on this set because he loved the fact that other animals, besides turtles, we're going to be in the nursery.
Here's the set:

I instantly fell inlove with this theme! We registered for it right away.
Next was furniture. We found an awesome set at BuyBuy Baby. Terrible, terrible store but awesome furniture. I am still waiting on this furniture to come in which is driving me insane. But here's the set:
Glider is in because it was from Babies R us. Absolutely love it!
While thinking and searching google and Home Debot on different types of wainescoting and such, Rob suggested we do Board and Batten. I had never heard of Board and Batten before, but I must say, I fell in love as soon as I looked it up!!! And sure enough it's what we went with.
Rob built the entire board and batten from scratch. He had to cut each piece of wood to the desired width. He seriously is the jack of all trades!
We decided to match the green in the bed set to the paint we wanted to use. We wanted green for the top half of the room and white for the board and batten. I also wanted high board and batten that went a little bit above the crib.
Here is the step by step in pictures :)
Step 1: priming the room.
Step 2: Green Paint on half of the room.
Step 3: Board and Batten Going Up
Step 4: First Coat of White Paint
Step 5: Second Coat of White
Step 5: Finishing touches of window trim and green/white touch ups
Step 6: Finished! How amazing does this look?!?!? My husband is amazing!
Now, we are patiently waiting for all of the baby furniture to arrive. So far, 2 pieces are in, the dresser and the Hutch. Just need the other dresser and the Crib (plus guardrails).
Hoping to get these in before school starts in 2 weeks but I doubt it because Buy Buy Baby is horrible (never again will I shop there for furniture or recommend it to anyone).
Can't wait to see the final nursery! Robby is going to love it! I think I might love it more though!!!