Sunday, August 16, 2015

Little Robby is on the Way!

Today, I decided to start a pregnancy blog. I had my baby shower today and I thought, "Hey, why not?"

This is our first baby and I am 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Not much of a pregnancy blog since I only have about 7 weeks left, but I thought it would be good to blog about this pregnancy and my upcoming journey into motherhood. Something awesome to look back on in the long years ahead of us.  

Before I start, here's a few early on pictures... 

Our baby announcement

2nd ultrasound at 8 weeks. The first ultrasound was a video and really wasn't much to see expect a little tiny gummy bear looking thing with a fluttering heart. Now we have a platypus looking baby :)

Anyway, here it goes my journey so far.... 

What can I say about pregnancy? The truth might be a little harsh and I really don't want to complain too much because I know there are thousands of women who would die to be in my shoes, but let's face facts... Pregnancy really stinks! I mean REALLY stinks! 

I'm just not sure how women love this. My mom went on and on about how much she loved pregnancy. She made me so excited to get pregnant. I thought for sure if she loved it, I would love it. I was so wrong. 

Throughout this pregnancy, I kept track of all my symptoms, mainly to compare to my other pregnancies (if God grants me more children that is). Here's my list. You tell me if you would love pregnancy if this is what you experienced.. 

1st trimester 
Nausea and throwing up all day/night long
Fatigue in afternoons
Sore breasts and nipples
Pelvic girdle pain in the Glute area
Temporomandibular Disorder or lock jaw 
Acne on back and chest, some face 
Extremely itchy 

2nd trimester 
Heartburn, acid reflux a lot
Round ligament pain-left side only 
Acne on back getting worse
Swollen ankles
feet ache 
Eye site is getting worse 
Constipated even more 
Stuffy nose (comes and goes-not that bad)
Dry skin (scalp) 
Oily skin (face is so oily so quickly) 
Pigment change on neck and face (darker spots) 
Small pimples on belly (look like sweat pimps) 
Pimples (itchy) around back of ears 
Round ligament pain in both sides (feels like my uterus is going to fall out) -21 weeks 
Leg cramps (quads and calfs)

3rd Trimester
Heartburn SO bad (throw up in mouth sometimes because of acid reflux/indigestion)
Round ligament pain (left side only) 
Constipated and gas pains ALL the time
Baby is low (pressure and pain on lower uterus/bladder) 
Emotional mess 
Jaw cracks when I open my mouth wide 
Can't sleep (hurts so bad when I turn from left to ride side) 
Acne is still bad (neck and behind ears worse) 
Feet throb (after being on them for only a little while) 
Skin tags on chest (little ones) 
Severe cramping in legs
Brown spots on my nose from sun 
Leg cramps 
Sore nipples (right one still leaking) 
Gallbladder pain so bad at night. Lasted 4 hours (intense pain in chest and between shoulder blades-right side-week 27-28)
Acid reflux so insanely bad, wakes me out of sleep and can't get back to sleep bc its so painful (started taking Zantac to get through the night around week 27) 
Intense Pressure in lower abdomen 
Pain in upper uterus from it stretching 

Ok, so back to what I was saying.. How can any woman possibly love pregnancy? 

The only part of this journey that is cool is feeling the baby move and seeing the baby move. My husband loves it too. However, I will say that it can sometimes be a little too much for me. First, he never stops moving. Second, I can't sleep with a baby moving around in my stomach, jabbing my organs and sitting on my bladder. Then there's the moments when he jabs my intestines or my ribs. It's just a little too much like I said. I love it and hate it at the same time. 

At first, I had a hard time accepting the fact that I didn't like pregnancy. I felt like I was already being a bad mom in some weird way and I also thought that I shouldn't complain about this miracle growing inside of me.

But then, things started to change. I realized that I love this baby with all my heart already. Yes, the process I might dislike but I know that the end result will be worth every piece of pain and suffering I am going through. God knows how much of a difficult time this is for me but he also knows how much I love this baby already. And with that, I no longer feel guilty. 

I could do this again without a doubt. It really stinks but I know that having children is something that I always wanted. It did go by pretty fast so far. I mean, 9 months really isn't that long in the scheme of things. I really just hope I have easier pregnancies next time.

As I sit here and write this, the baby is moving like crazy and I keep getting sharp pains in my bladder because he is literally jumping on my bladder like a trampoline. I am still breech so his but or foot is just jabbing me down there. Such fun (not at all). Not to mention, that within the past hour, I took a Zantac, 2 tums, and just downed a glass of milk because my heartburn is so unbearable that my chest hurts and acidic bile keeps going up my esophagus. 

Thank God this baby is worth all of this. Also, thank God that God gave me the heads up in the Bible about this crazy suffering I would be going though. Knowing that He knows how bad it is, makes me feel assured that I'm not the only one who is not having fun while pregnant. 

-Soon to be New Mommy 

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